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The Hidden Cost of Advertising on Your Website: Encouraging Visitors to Leave
Visitor Retention: The Key to a Successful Website Attracting and retaining visitors is the foundation of a successful website. You might have 1,000 visitors per day, but if they never return, your efforts may fall short. Retaining visitors is what ultimately makes a site thrive. Advertising as a False Economy Advertising is commonplace on most websites today. However, if it's only generating a small amount of extra revenue each month, it might not be worth it—especially for newer or...
Give yourself the best chance of community building success
The key to building a thriving online community is to start small. Focus on creating meaningful, personal connections—both between you and potential members, and among the members themselves. Don’t rush into launching an online community platform before doing this groundwork—it’s a common mistake many make. Step One – Why Does Your Community Need to Exist? What’s your reason for wanting an online community? Is it to boost brand awareness or perception? Reduce costs? Engage more effectively...
How to build an online community
So you want to build an online community? Here's my thoughts. Planning Your Online Community Before you dive in, ask yourself a few key questions: 1. Why do you want to create an online community? If your answer is “because everyone else has one,” chances are, it won’t succeed. But if you want to be more customer-centric and add value to your audience, you’re on the right track. Take some time to ask yourself (and your team, if relevant) these deeper questions before moving forward. 2...
Don’t be jealous of other online communities - just be better!
It’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing your online community to others, but it’s a distraction that pulls you away from focusing on your own success. The size of other communities doesn't determine your potential to compete. Jealousy can be motivating, but it’s ultimately a waste of time. And are you really sure that those other communities are ‘better’ than yours? Avoid the Numbers Game Playing the numbers game is pointless. Consider the following scenarios: That community has...