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Don’t be jealous of other online communities - just be better!

It’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing your online community to others, but it’s a distraction that pulls you away from focusing on your own success. The size of other communities doesn't determine your potential to compete. Jealousy can be motivating, but it’s ultimately a waste of time. And are you really sure that those other communities are ‘better’ than yours?

Avoid the Numbers Game

Playing the numbers game is pointless. Consider the following scenarios:

  • That community has 5,000 members, while yours has 50.

    • They might have run a referral contest where members created multiple fake accounts just to win.
  • That community has 50,000 posts, while yours has 500.

    • Their content might be rife with abuse, which only fuels more abusive posts. Is that the type of engagement you want?
  • That community gets 20,000 daily visitors, while yours gets 500.

    • They could be spending a fortune on attracting visitors instead of fostering meaningful connections among their existing members. Building a genuine community takes time. It’s the loyal, engaged members who will create the real foundation of your community.
  • That community has a beautiful design and costly, unique features.

    • Remember, you're building a community of people, not just a collection of flashy tech.
If, despite these scenarios, you still find yourself envious of your competitors, it’s time to refocus on your own community. Stop worrying about numbers, and concentrate on enhancing the experience for your members.

Focus on what matters

Ask yourself:

  • What do your members love most about your community? (Do more of that.)
  • What do they dislike? (Fix it.)
  • Which sections are the most popular? (Develop them further.)
  • Where are the weaker areas? (Improve them.)
  • What do your members want? (Act on it.)
Competition is your ally

Competition is healthy. It keeps you focused on your members. If you don’t take care of them, they’ll go elsewhere. Be aware of your competitors, but don’t mimic their every move. Your community should be unique. Focus on what they aren’t doing. To stand out, you must add value to your own space, and you can’t do that if you're caught up in envy and self-doubt.

Besides, if your community is truly unique, do you really have ‘competitors’ at all?