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What do you do to attract visitors and gain traffic?


Sep 5, 2024
Creating a site or community is one thing. Growing it is something else and won't happen overnight. What are some strategies you’ve used to bring in visitors and boost traffic?

Whether it’s SEO, social media, word of mouth, contests, or something else, what’s worked best for you? Do you have any tips or tricks that helped get people through the door and keep them engaged?

Let’s share ideas and help each other out—drop your thoughts below!
For one forum I had in 2009, I simply submitted it to some SEO site and days later I saw guest activity explode, I mean really. Also, creating a new skin that's easy for everyone's eyes helped this too.

My current forum once had a "minimal" theme which saw a quicker rate of guests becoming members but sadly it's gone now... but I hope to have something similar in the near future :)
For one forum I had in 2009, I simply submitted it to some SEO site and days later I saw guest activity explode, I mean really. Also, creating a new skin that's easy for everyone's eyes helped this too.

My current forum once had a "minimal" theme which saw a quicker rate of guests becoming members but sadly it's gone now... but I hope to have something similar in the near future :)
Unfortunately, many directories in the past made big promises but often delivered little in terms of results. Today, achieving a conversion rate above 1% is considered quite fortunate.